Piyush Prasad
Regional Director,
NIOS RC Prayagraj

Dear learners,

Greetings from my end….!!

Indeed it is a matter of pleasure and opportunity for me to head regional office Allahabad (Prayagraj) having reach to cater the aspiration of learners for the state of Uttar Pradesh. Being the part of world’s largest open schooling system I am able to reach the unreached to complete their schooling which has touch the life of the learners.

Education is not the amount of information that is put into your brain and there is a riot, which makes your whole life useless. We must have life-building, human-building, character-building, assimilation of ideas, to make you a good human being.

The success story and experience of the NIOS learner proves that NIOS has played a pivot role in touching their self esteem by completing the schooling and entering to the path of progress. NIOS provides alternate source of schooling for those who could not or not in a position to avail the regular schooling for varied reasons which truly represent the inclusive education. The flexibility of NIOS is the great advantage for the learners to learn at their own pace, on their own choice of subjects and their own time of examination. Self motivated learners of NIOS makes a big difference in their life by pursuing passion without compromising on the education.

According to Rabindranath Tagore, "Supreme Education is that which not only gives us information, but makes our life consistent with all existence".

NIOS offers you the freedom to learn what you want, when you want and at your desired pace. NIOS caters to all categories of learners – the challenged learner, the average learner, and the academically bright ones. In the past three decades, NIOS has cut across all sections of society in India and has attracted a wide variety of self-motivated learners. NIOS is probably the only organization in the world with the maximum number of self-motivated students. NIOS has also debunked many myths commonly associated with schooling. Our effort is to make education fun and meaningful. We are working to include educational changes, integrate technology, develop critical thinking skills, and generate a search for knowledge. High rise is human nature but without proper training in human values, we can not be able to give them wings for an independent flight. Science and spirituality should be harmoniously mixed to make youthful character perfect for national service and development.

The present world of information and communication technology paves the way for the learners to be independent learner and go beyond the class room experience. NIOS is the boon for those who are on the cross road to decide their career on initiate talent or scarifies on the cost of academic excellence in secondary and senior secondary exam. Many NIOS learners excelled in their life by pursuing their hobby as career without compromising on their academic qualification.

It is my belief that with the right attitude and inclusive work, the Regional Centre Allahabad will develop force for calculation and search for excellence, which is not impossible with difficulty. In Mother's words, "We should always strive for perfection and the specific level of today's perfection has not changed yet because no one reaches at least one step tomorrow."

There is a lot more to experience and enjoy while being a learner at NIOS. I wish you success and a well-balanced life. Let us join hands to fulfill the motto of NIOS -‘Reach out to unreached’

Best wishes

Piyush Prasad

Regional Director
