Hindi (301) |
English (302) |
Sanskrit (309) |
Urdu (306) |
Bengali (303) |
Mathematics (311) |
Physics (312) |
Chemistry (313) |
Biology (314) |
History (315) |
Geography (316) |
Political Science (317) |
Economics (318) |
Business Studies (319) |
Accountancy (320) |
Home Science (321) |
Psychology (328) |
Computer Science (330) |
Sociology (331) |
Painting (332) |
Mass Communications (335) |
Data Entry Operations (336) |
Environmental Science (333) |
Tourism (337) |
Introduction to Law (338) |
Library & Information Science (339) |
Arabic (341) |
Malayalam (343) |
Military History (375) |
Military Studies (374) |
Physical Education and Yog (373) |
Early Childhood Care And Education (376) |
Veda Adhyayan (345) |
Sanskrit Vyakarana (346) |
Bharatiya Darshan (347) |
Sanskrit Sahitya (348) |
Employability Skills (350) |
Regional Languages Course Material
Languages |
Bengali (303) |
Tamil 304 |
Odia 305 |
Urdu 306 |
Languages |
Gujrati 307 |
Punjabi 310 |
Arabic 341 |
Regional Medium
This course is designed for those who have passed the Secondary Course (Xth standard or equivalent examination) from any recognised examination board and would like to continue their education towards a Senior Secondary (XII) Certification.
Group A: For Senior Secondary Course, the languages offered are Hindi, English, Urdu,Sanskrit, Bengali, Tamil,Odia and Punjabi
Other Group: The subjects offered at Senior Secondary level include Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Political Science, Economics, Business Studies, Accountancy, Psychology, Computer Science, Sociology, Painting, Environmental Sc.,Mass Communication, Data Entry Operations, Introduction to Law and Library and Information Sc.
A minimum of five subjects including atleast one language or atmost 2 languages are compulsary for Certification.
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